Participant Testimonials
I found the meditations helped me to stop the negative mind chatter and allowed me to move into a more peaceful state of being
Also being amongst a lovely group of people and sharing our experiences was a great help
I have become more centered in the present, not worrying about the past or projecting into the future. It has given me more self-assurance and I’m not so critical of myself and others
I have had many ah-ah moments on my journey but the greatest one being the realisation that we are co-creators and that our thoughts and feelings bring to us our experiences in life - the feedback Granville provides in response to the notes we write helping me to understand the purpose of those experiences.
2014 - 2024
I wanted to explore spirituality and I was curious about it’s potential to bring oneself inner peace and an awareness of mind and body and how one affects the other.
I saw an advert on the local paper offering the study of meditation and highlighting it’s benefits. Settling and expanding the mind, nurturing the body and soul. Relaxation techniques that can be used in day to day life combatting stress. I also wanted to connect with myself on a deeper level to gain a greater understanding of who I am.
I would say my life had a feeling of being a little lost. Questions of who am I? What is my purpose here? Can I do more? Become a better person? I felt less connected. Like something was missing.
Granville has a wide knowledge of meditation and has been practising his techniques for 40 plus years. Naturally he was excited to share his beliefs and knowledge, the power of change meditation can bring and turned to teaching.
Granville’s teachings are well structured and given in stage by stage learning. Discussions are had and feedback is given. Interpretation offered. Lectures provide the back bone of Granville’s teachings, referencing authors read, self experiences shared. Questions asked and a deep understanding of the mind and it’s power to do good, to heal itself and the world. Tools and techniques are provided to change one’s thoughts from negative to positive.
My life has changed for the better. My previous connection to nature and it’s beauty and healing took on a whole new significance. I now experience a deeper richer connection to
mother nature. Mother earths abundance and her energy is embraced, a door has been opened to it in my mind. Her energy is felt and yielded and flows into my life. From that and most importantly I give her in return love, healing, respect, peace and many thanks back to the earth it’s people and out to the world. Creating I feel a better world. A healing world a healing mind. I have more inner strength gained and a better understanding of myself.
Granville is an approachable, very open person. Always ready to listen and offer support and guidance when needed. He has many years of teaching mediation behind him. He is always available away from the class with any questions or queries if needed. His lectures are insightful and structured , and on occasions’ intuitive. He is always there to offer his support at any time.
2009 - 2024
I learned to develop the creative aspect to meditation and the ability to interpret my experiences during meditative states. I also experienced the power of a group of meditators with a common intention. There is a very real inner sense of love and peace and creative power when working with Granville in a group setting as his kind, calm, loving presence gives the group a better understanding of the divine in action.
Anybody who gets to spend time with Granville is blessed. He is quite simply one of the kindest, most peaceful and loving souls I have had the privilege of knowing and I guarantee that your life will be enriched just being in his presence! I thoroughly recommend the course to anybody seeking a deeper meaning to life.
Granville is a wonderful host to this group – his insights are very interesting which he shares openly, but he also holds the space so that we can each contribute what we want to say. I feel completely at ease within the group and cherish the fortnightly sessions as if I am spending time with family.
2016 - 2023
A sense that there was more to life than just my physical reality. Having started reading various books by well known ‘spiritual’ authors my hunger to learn more was growing. When a close friend suggested that she was trying to organise a local meditation group, hosted by someone she knew and very much respected from the Findhorn Association, I jumped at the idea.
I experienced a lot of gentle learning and an opening up to look at my life from a different perspective. Granville is very good at reading the energy of the group to determine which direction to take us in during the meditation. He happily shares his own experiences but is also careful not to preach or manipulate our thoughts in a set direction. We are encouraged to share our thoughts and feelings with the group, before and after the meditation, which is always very enlightening and sometimes magical when you hear the similarities between group members. And the powerful energy that I am left with most times after the meditation is testament to the benefit that I know it is bringing me, the rest of the group and our fellow human beings. And it feels so right and so powerful now that we are focusing our attention more on mass consciousness and creating a loving and trusting outlook for mankind.
I now have a very real sense of ‘knowing’ that I create my own version of reality from the inside-out. My belief that my thoughts and the feelings they provoke create the future (or now moments) that I want to see in this world have literally changed my outlook completely.
Granville is a wonderful host to this group – his insights are very interesting which he shares openly, but he also holds the space so that we can each contribute what we want to say. I feel completely at ease within the group and cherish the fortnightly sessions as if I am spending time with family. There is no doubt in my mind and heart that I was destined to meet Granville and become part of this group, as it truly feels like we are on a journey together stopping along the way to drop people off and pick others up. I am blessed to be part of the group and honoured to be able to call Granville and the other members (past and present) my friends.
I learned much more about the Spiritual realm and the nature of our reality, through discussion and came to understand the importance of setting aside time to experience the inner realms and to get to know myself better.
I experienced the power of meditation and learned to trust my inner self and see meditation and spiritual development as a major part of my life.
I'm much calmer and more centred, and less likely to be drawn into the dramas of life and committed to a life of service to the greater good
2008 – 2024
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